Send data to views

Send data from Controllers to Views.

Commonly you will like to use your Controllers to handle many things like:

  • Logic of your app.

  • Database operations.

  • Send emails.

  • Return Views with or without data.

In this example we are going to touch the return data feature.

Go to:

$ app/controllers/UsersController.php

You will see the next code:

use Libs\BoosterORM\BoosterORM;
class UsersController
    public function index()
        $user = 'John Doe';
        return view('modules.users.index', 'user', $user);

Helper: view() returns a view file.

Params: you could send one variable or data by pass as second param the name of your variable in the view as string, this is how you could call the variable in your view file.

And next as third param you could send the variable value that you want to the variable in the view.

In the next example you will "echos" a variable user in View file like this:

Go to view:

$ resources/Views/modules/users/index.php

And write:

<?php echo $user; ?>

Alternativly if you want to send more than one value to your view, in your controller:

use Libs\BoosterORM\BoosterORM;
class UsersController
    public function index()
        $user = 'John Doe';
        $data = [
            'Title'=>'Users page',
        return view('modules.users.index', $data);

Other way more elegant to send data as array could be using a native function compact() :

use Libs\BoosterORM\BoosterORM;
class UsersController
    public function index()
        $title = 'Users Page';
        $user = 'John Doe';
        return view('modules.users.index', compact($title, $user));

For more details about compact you could go to : doc.

Now you could print your data in the view like this:

echo $title;
echo '<br/>';
echo $user

Or if its an array like data from a database select:

foreach($users as $key->$value){
    echo $user->name;
    echo '<br/>';
    echo $user->email;

Last updated