BoosterORM and BoosterQueryBuilder libraries.
Booster ORM is used to handle all models classes that as a developer in a web app will be necesary to create.
* remember table is set by default by models you dont need to add anything
The methods that support BoosterORM are:
to retrive data from a where condition.
Its posible to create a link wheres methods like this:
Either is posible to add multiple params in just one query:
Is used to retrive data as a collection of object and data could be trait as array either, it´s necessary to add it as link method with where() methods, because without it data return as properties, and can´t be loop to print data as collection or array.
Is used to limit data retrive rows.
Is used to give order to retrive data.
Is used to group rows by certain criteria, rember that it works as any sql query, so if you group by certain columns your data could be or not the result that you want.
Remember that it works as regular sql querys so the order of methods it´s important some methods just work in certain order but all methods are supported joined.
To retrive all this methods just write an foreach as a regular array:
Is used to retrive a single row from a collection of objects, in this case the first element.
Observe that this method does not need a get() linked method to retrive a collection of objects, first() method retrive just one and you can print it directly .
If in certain moments you have doubts of what are you retriving in some method of BoosterQueryBuilder or BoosterORM, you could use the helper:
It´s return a var_dump() of the param object or variable, with preformatted text to make it more readable, and a die() native function of PHP to stop running the script.
Return the last object of a collection of objects.
MYSQL return data order by default 'ASC', for ascending order, but if you use method orderBy('DESC') and last() you wont be able to get the really last object you will get the first so it´s pretty important to keep that in mind.
Search in a table by a certain value and column as a needle in haystack, this method works in two ways:
It works perfectly to get all columns from the user table in id 15, but in many cases you will need to search in other column so find() method could be use as:
So it could be used in both ways :) .
It deletes a row by id.
require the integer of id to delete the columns of these id.
insert or update an object created in controllers if the object have property id like:
It update data with current values, but if the object have not id it creates a new record in database.
Ex without property id.
In this case the user is inserted.
In this case the user is updated because id exists;
This method is really helpful to retrive data when you have many rows and you want to display it with pagination.
Its particularly useful when you want to retrive for example blog posts of a blog, or to retrive a data of products in a table, certanly datatable exists and is a good plugin but it creates a paginate data natively and is faster because it does not query all data just the paginated one.
paginate just need a number of elements to display as integer or string, but integer is better to avoid recasting that consume a little bit more resources.
It support the linked methods style like this:
paginate method does not need a get method linked because it already retrive data ready to use as a collection of objects.
This method is very relation with links() method, certainly does not have sense to use it without links() method.
This method works on views, and set very easy, quickly and elegant one line function to generate the pagination links HTML markup dinamically , it have some useful features:
Create links to different pages.
Give a bold style to current page.
No need to adapt to most popular CSS frameworks like boostrap 3, bootstrap 4 and MaterializeCSS. (You could use some params to display it as a native element of those frameworks).
the default pagination generated have just a few styles to display inline and mark the current page, but with your custom css rules you would be able to customize paginator with id="paginator" and current page with id="current"
To print quicky a pagination just go to your view and type:
Paginate and Links methods are included in both BoosterORM and BoosterQueryBuilder,
So you will must use the same class if you use BoosterORM paginate() method in your controller then you will need to use BoosterORM in view file to display the paginator links.
You can´t use BoosterORM to paginate in controller and BoosterQueryBuilder to print links() because properties that links() method invoke are not going to be set! in the other class.
You could create all cools stuffs and style of a datatable with more style and native functunallity, if you want to display a search box on top or in any area PHPBooster Framework have helper to do that, cool no?, But thats not all you could even create your own export view to create a button to export PDF, but with your styles.
You could even create a button to print with PHPBooster helpers, We have a tutorial to do that in HOW TO section.
Alternativly you could use a queryBuilder to execute querys to database without create models, it will be find if you need a specific query like inner, left or right join that is too complex and not correspond just to specific table.
Or because you will execute a specific query to a table just a few times, other consideretion is because instead of MVC you want to use FrontController structure, either way both are ok, and you could use both at the same time.
BoosterQueryBuilder Methods are:
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